Behavioural modelling is the highest level of abstraction in
the Verilog HDL. Hardware description using behaviour modelling style requires
the knowledge of working of that particular device. This modelling looks like a
C programming language. In behavioural modelling we are introduced to a new
concept called as Procedural block.
Basically Procedural blocks are of two types. 1. Initial block 2. Always block
Initial block and Always block both starts when simulation
starts in arbitrary order. The main difference is that initial block executes
and stops where as always block is a continuous loop.
Let us see the syntax how it looks like
Initial always
Begin Begin
---- -------
---- -------
End end
Initial block cannot be synthesized where as always blocks
can be synthesized hence they are used in main code while initial blocks are
used only in testbenches. Inside these blocks there are assignment statements
called as Procedural assignments.
There are two types of procedural assignments: Blocking and Non-Blocking assignments.
Blocking assignments: A blocking assignment statements are
executed in the order they are specified in a sequential block. The execution
of next statement begin only after the completion of the present blocking
assignments. A blocking assignment will not block the execution of the next
statement in a parallel block. The blocking assignments are made using the
operator =.
Let us see this with the help of an example:
a = 1;
b = #5 2;
c = #2 3;
In the above example, a is assigned value 1 at time 0, and b is
assigned value 2 at time 5, and c is assigned value 3 at time 7.
Non-blocking assignments: The nonblocking assignment allows
assignment scheduling without blocking the procedural flow. The nonblocking
assignment statement can be used whenever several variable assignments within
the same time step can be made without regard to order or dependence upon each
other. Non-blocking assignments are made using the operator <=.
Note: <= is same for less than or equal to operator, so
whenever it appears in a expression it is considered to be comparison operator
and not as non-blocking assignment.
a <= 1;
b <= #5 2;
c <= #2 3;
In the above example, a is assigned value 1 at time 0, and b
is assigned value 2 at time 5, and c is assigned value 3 at time 2 (because all
the statements execution starts at time 0, as they are non-blocking
Next type of statements are called as Conditional statements
Conditional statements execute only on a condition.
Types of conditional statements:
1. if and if-else statements
2. case statement
Syntax for if statement
if ( expression )
always @
if (a==1)
x = a ;
In the above example if a value is equal to 1 then the value
of x is updated to the value a i.e. equal to 1.
Case statement syntax
case ( expression )
case_item ...
always @
case (sel)
3: y = d;
2: y = c;
1: y = b;
y = a;
This above example gives the 4x1 multiplexer