Thursday 27 November 2014

Diode : Name and Fame

C:\Users\Padma Reddy\Desktop\diode_symbol_svg.png

Beauty of Electronics lies in the Name !!
Let us consider a basic electronic device “Diode”
DI means TWO , ODE Means Terminals.
Diode is an Electronic device which consists of two terminals which are different from each other. There is a minute difference. Can you guess it?

Current flows from Anode to Cathode hence it is called as “Forward Biased”.
There is No Current Flow Cathode to Anode hence “Reverse Biased”.
This we can also see from the diode symbol which is a representation from anode to cathode (similar to an arrow) – forward biased (direction of arrow head)  shows current flow. Where as, a vertical bar symbol of representation is used at the cathode end which tells us that there is no current flow from cathode to anode.

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